Session Questions & Intention


Your questions form a major part of your BQH session, so it is recommended you take a little time to think about what will be most useful and beneficial for you to ask. No questions are off limits, and, as long as receiving an answer serves your greater good, your higher-self/guides will provide answers for all questions asked.

Clients typically come to a session with 10 to 15 questions, which generally fall into the following categories: physical health, emotional well-being, personal development & life purpose, career & finances, relationships & practical life circumstances, and questions of a more metaphysical/esoteric nature.

To give you some ideas as to what you may like to ask, below are some questions suggestions split into these categories. Of course, please feel free to create your own questions. When composing your questions, please place them in order of importance in case we do not have time to get to them all.

Physical Health
  • I am experiencing recurrent XXX [headaches/bloating/back pain/sore joints etc.], what is the root cause of this, and what can I do to heal it?
  • I struggle to maintain a healthy weight, are there particular foods and/or types of exercise that best suit my body in order to attain optimum fitness?
  • My eyesight has deteriorated in recent years, why is this and can it be improved?
  • I seem to often suffer from coughs and colds, why is this and what can I do to improve my immune system?
  • Are there any particular supplements/herbal remedies that would be beneficial to my physical health?
Emotional Well-Being
  • I often suffer from low-mood and feel lethargic, why is this and what can I do to gain more energy and improve my mood?
  • I am experiencing trouble sleeping, why is this and what can I do to sleep better?
  • What should I do to heal from XXX [emotional issue]?
  • How can I overcome my addiction to XXX [social media/alcohol/cigarettes/phone etc.]?
  • I have a fear of XXX, what is the root reason for this fear and how can I overcome it?
  • Are there any particular supplements/herbal remedies that would be beneficial to my emotional health?
Personal Development & Life Purpose
  • What is my life purpose?
  • Why did I incarnate into the specific circumstances of this life-time?
  • Is there a particular skill or hobby that I should take up?
  • I was born with XXX [emotional/health issue] why is this and what is it teaching me?
  • What is the best way for me to meditate?
  • Is there a particular practice that will best aid my spiritual growth?
  • What lessons did I enter into this life to learn?
Career & Finances
  • I feel stuck in my current job, is there a different career I should pursue?
  • I used to love my job, but since my new boss arrived am finding it more and more stressful and less and less enjoyable, should I leave or stick it out in the hopes that things will get better?
  • I enjoy my work, but feel it lacks purpose, is there something else I should be doing?
  • I have been offered a new work opportunity, should I take it?
  • How can I best grow my business so support my financial needs without working all hours and compromising my quality of life?
  • How can I turn my passion for XXX [art, music, crafting etc,] into a viable business?
  • Why do I consistently struggle to have enough money and can these money blocks be released?
  • I have some savings, what would be the best way to invest these?
Relationships & Practical Life Circumstances
  • Is my partner my soul-mate?
  • Is my current romantic relationship going to last long term?
  • My partner wants us to XXX [sell our house/go travelling/move to xxx/have a child/get a pet], but I am unsure as to whether or not this is the right thing for us to do at this time, what advice can my higher-self give me on this?
  • What lessons are my children here to teach me?
  • How can I best support my children in their growth and development?
  • Why do I seem to consistently attract XXX [negative work colleagues/manipulative friends/co-dependent relationships etc.]?
  • Why do I have such a difficult relationship with XXX [mother/father/sibling/child, etc.]?
  • Have I experienced a past/parallel life with XXX [specific person in your life]?
  • I struggle to build strong friendship bonds, often preferring my own company to socializing. Why is this?
  • I find it difficult to spend time alone and so often find myself spending time with people I don’t necessarily particularly connect with, what can I do to make myself more comfortable in my own company?
  • I don’t feel a strong connection to the current location I live in, is there a location that would better suit me?
  • Why do I keep having a recurring dream about XXX?
  • I have always felt very drawn to XXX [historical period/country/culture], why is this?
  • I visited XXX – I know I have never been there before, but it felt familiar, why is this?
  • I had an experience in which I felt a sense that I had missing time, can you tell me anything about this?
  • I feel a deep connection with XXX, do we have a soul contract?
  • How can I strength my connection to my guides to gain clearer guidance in my daily life?
  • I often sense a presence when in XXX [my bedroom/study/living room etc.], what or who is the presence I feel?
  • What are my strongest psychic gifts and how do I unlock them to their fullest potential?
  • What is my planet or place of origin as a soul?
  • Have I ever had any interactions with extra-terrestrial beings?


Once you have your questions, it’s time to consider your overarching intent for the session. To do this, many people find it useful to review their questions noting which issue (or issues) come up most strongly and/or repeatedly. Your intention may be general or very specific, and should be entirely personal to you.

A strong intention can make “two oceans wide” be the size of a blanket, or “seven hundred years” the time it takes to walk to someone you love.

Rūmī (Sufi mystic and poet, 1207-1273)

It is understood that your intention may change and evolve in the time between booking and actually having your session, for which reason you are not expected to finalize your intention before your session. It is however useful to think about it ahead of time so that when, on the day of your session, we work together to create a sentence or two to encapsulate your intention you are able to clearly articulate and share your thoughts. Below are some client intentions from previous sessions I have facilitated to demonstrate what your intention might look like.

My intention is to find peace and safety as my authentic self, in both my body and soul, wherever I am and whoever I am with.

My intention is to understand more about my purpose for this life and to receive guidance about what job or work would best serve me in my desire to help others, use my creativity, and show kindness to the planet.

My intention is to gain insight into what knowledge will enable my greatest personal expansion right now and help direct the growth of my business.

My intention is to find out what steps to take to progress my career inline with my life purpose. To remove blocks that are preventing me from living and expressing myself authentically.

My intention is to connect with my body to understand the root causes of my current health challenges and go forth operating in peak vitality.

My intention is to find clarity on my career path, insight into my relationships with my family and children, and to understand my pain issues and find relief from these.

My intention is to gain insight and understanding as to why I have incarnated into such a complex and often disharmonious family. I would also like to gain insight into my creativity, what drives it, and how to best to use it to enhance not only my life, but the lives of those around me.